Senior Data Scientist with 6+ years of experience in (Machine Learning, NLP, Big Data, and Back-End Development). M.Tech I.T. in Data Science.
Intuition behind Natural Language Processing 路 Machine Learning algorithms don't understand the text. So we need to convert text into numbers or vectors...
Random Forest Vs Bagging 路 Random Forest is a popular algorithm in Machine Learning. Random forest is an improvement of the concept of bagging. There is...
One step closer to AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) 路 One of the exciting techniques in machine learning is transfer learning, where you transfer...
Accuracy vs Recall vs Precision 路 Let's say we have built a model for predicting whether a person has cancer or not. Model Should predict, 1 if a person...
Intuitive Explanation of Machine Learning Algorithm 路 In Traditional Programming we have Input + Program = Output Let's say we want to write a program to...